If you or your child is interested in getting more time with the ball, there are currently 2 soccer camps that we are aware of. See details below.
Please keep in mind, these camps are not affiliated with the Lockport Soccer Club.
GPS Buffalo Lockport Summer Camp 2019
Dates: August 12th to August 16th 2019
Time: 9AM to 12PM
Location: Kenan Center, Lockport
Ages: 2012 to 2003 boys and girls
Cost: $120 / $90 early bird (offer finishes June 10th)
Registration link: https://www.gotsport.com/asp/application/reg/?ProgramID=78900&Type=PLAYER
Lockport Soccer Camp
Camp will run 7/8-7/12 and 7/15-7/19 at the Kenan Center. A big thank you to the Kenan Center, Lockport Sunrise Optimist, Lockport High School and Molinaro’s Pizza for helping to make camp a success every year.
More Info: https://www.lockportschools.org/Page/8282